Nepali Style Fish Curry: Discover Hidden Asian Food in Ocean City at Its Finest (2024)

Asian Food in Ocean City

Introduction: Nepali Style Fish Curry

Along with the rise of Asian food in Ocean City, Nepali cuisine has made its own mark in the cuisine world. Known for rich flavors in spice and diverse influences, Nepali cuisine has delivered some astonishing dishes with one being the Nepali Style Fish Curry. This dish is deeply connected in the traditions of Nepal which reflects its unique blend of Indian, Tibetan and classical culinary works.

Asian Food in Ocean City

Fish Curry is very famous in Nepal and India, besides its delicious taste it offers numerous health benefits by providing you enough proteins, omega 3 and other various nutrients. The spice blend of Nepal’s locally produced masalas and other ingredients make this dish so popular. Its main highlight is of course the fish it self but along with it its amazing tantalizing taste of spice and other complimentary achars make it so unique from any other fish curry.

Asian Food in Ocean City: Nepali Fish Curry

For many years, the unique aromas of Nepali cuisine have been enticing diners to Everest Carryout. Then they came up with motive to continue a Nepali food delicacy: Fish Curry. This famous dish has made a special home in Nepal at Everest Carryout, where the tastes of spicy, and tangy come together in a delightful explosion.

Asian Food in Ocean City

Everest Carryout is embracing culinary originality while yet being devoted to traditional Nepali meals. Providing customers original taste of Nepali spices, Everest Carryout is motivated in providing the best Fish Curry with the blend of modern taste while preserving the traditional taste.


  • 1 kg fish (cut in round shape or any small piece)
  • 3 tomatoes (finely chopped)
  • 1 onion (chopped)
  • 50 ml Oil
  • Ginger-garlic paste
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • Chopped green chilies
  • Meat Masala
  • Red chili powder (as per your preference)
  • Salt to taste
  • Chopped Coriander
  • 1 tsp cumin powder
Asian Food in Ocean City

How to make fish curry

  • Step 1: Marinate the fish with salt, 1/2 tablespoon of turmeric powder and one tablespoon red chili powder and then mix it properly ensuring masala coats all part of the fish (leave it marinated for at least 30 min)
  • Step 2: Heat up the oil in a pan and fry those fish until it gets deep-fried or golden brown in color
  • Step 3: After it is fried properly as mentioned above, take it out on a plate.

Now let’s make gravy or curry in the remaining oil

  • Step 4: Add chopped onion, green chilies along with ginger-garlic paste and fry till brown in color.
  • Step 5: Add some turmeric powder, salt, chili powder, meat masala (according to personal preferences)
  • Step 6: Mix them properly and then let it cook for 3-4 minutes in medium heat (add small amount of water if needed)
  • Step 7: Add chopped tomatoes and let it cook for 5 minutes in medium flame
  • Step 8: After that add some water in it and let it cook for 2-3 minutes. (Curry should be not so thin or thick)
  • Step 9: Add fried fish in the curry and mix it well. Close the lid and let it cook for 4-5 minutes in medium heat.
  • Step 10: Garnish with coriander on top to enhance its smell and taste
  • Step 11: Your Nepali style fish curry is ready to be served

Serving Tips

When serving Fish Curry it is usually served with beaten rice but it can be enjoyed with traditional Nepali meal Basmati Rice with some famous Nepali spicy achaar which adds extra flavor and compliments the dish. A side fresh of salad such as cucumber, carrot, radish etc. is also a good option to compliment the dish.

Asian Food in Ocean City


Fish Curry: Nepali Edition from Everest Carryout is a great meal for people looking to taste Asian foods and want a spicy tenderness for their taste buds. As a testament to Everest Carryout’s dedication to deliver unique delicacies while staying loyal to its heritage, it’s a great way to explore the confluence of Nepali cuisine.

Image Source: Getty Images

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